Tags for Success
“Good Grades, Great Rewards”
Tags for Success is an academic success program that rewards K-12 students for their hard work and good grades! For each quarterly report card, Premier Laser Tag will reward students on the Banner roll, Honor roll, and Principal’s list in the surrounding 9 parishes. Students from public, private, and home school are welcome to take advantage of the following offer.
Banner Roll (A’s, B’s, and 1 C) – 25% off all Laser Tag sessions. Honor Roll (A’s & B’s) – 1 Free game of laser tag + 1 free game of bowling* + 25% all laser tag sessions for the night. Principals List (All A’s) – Your choice of a free $5 action card or bumper car ride + 2 free games of laser tag + 2 free games of bowling* + 25% off all laser tag sessions.
All laser tag participants must be a minimum of 42” tall in order to enter arena. Must be a minimum of 44” for bumper cars. *Shoes not included. Call for lane availability.
Available Dates

First Quarter
Sunday – Thursday, 4 pm to 10 pm, October 22nd – October 31st, 2019.
Open Noon on Thursday, October 24th & Friday, October 25th.
Open 4 pm to 10 pm on Monday, October 28th.

Second Quarter
Sunday – Thursday, 4pm – 10 pm, January 21st – January 30th, 2020.

Third Quarter
Sunday – Thursday, 4 pm – 10 pm, March 17th – April 2nd, 2020